Blue Sucker
(Cycleptus elongatus)

The very distinctive blue sucker has a small mouth with fleshy lips covered in unique bumps (right) that only one other Ohio species has.
Blue suckers have a rather long cylindrical body shape with a very long sickle shaped dorsal fin. They have an over all very streamlined appearance which helps them hold a position in swift currents. As the name suggest they are a blue to slate gray in color with somewhat darker gray blue fins. They have a small head and long snout that overhangs the small mouth. The thick fleshy lips are covered in small round bumps (right photo). The only other Ohio species has these unique bumps on the lips is the Longnose Sucker.
Habitat and Habits
Blue suckers are an inhabitant of deep swiftly flowing chutes or channels of large rivers. They are not uncommon in fast gravel bottomed chutes of the lower Scioto River from around Piketon downstream to the Ohio River. They are also present in the lower portions of the Great and Little Miami, Muskingum, and Hocking Rivers. They can also be found in the Ohio River.
Reproduction and Care of the Young
Little is known about the spawning habits of this species aside from probably spawning in May or June