White Bass
(Morone chrysops)

White bass are a popular sport fish that can be caught in large number when they make their spring spawning migrations up tributaries of larger water bodies.
White bass are silvery in color and have a milky white belly. In addition, they have six or more dark lateral stripes on the sides and back. Usually only a single stripe reaches the tail compared to multiple stripes reaching the tail of striped bass or hybrids between the two. White perch have no stripes.
Habitat and Habits
White bass are found in open water often feeding near the surface. They are found in Lake Erie, the Ohio River and their larger tributaries. They are also found in many of Ohio's reservoirs.
Reproduction and Care of the Young
White bass spawn in late April and May. Adults migrate up tributary streams of Lake Erie and in larger impoundments they seek wind swept points. Females broadcast their eggs into the water where they are fertilized by the males and then settle to the bottom and adhere to hard surfaces. The eggs will hatch in approximately two weeks. No parental care is provided.